
File sharing service

Effortlessly share patient files with our secure file-sharing software designed for medical practices. Upload and send files to patients, lawyers, or any recipient in just a few clicks—no complex registration or extra steps required. Password protection keeps data safe, and streamlined sharing saves time for busy practice managers. Simplify your file-sharing process and focus on what matters most. 

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Database conversion

Switching from Medinet to Best Practice and vice-versa? Our seamless database conversion service ensures a smooth transition with minimal disruption to your workflow. Trust our experts to securely transfer your data, so you can continue providing quality care without the hassle. Get started today and experience a faster, more efficient system with your best software.

Practice management and clinical sofware

Part 1
ltyHealth is a software for clinics, doctors, therapists to record clinical notes, documents in an easy and effective way including permissions security and 2 ways communicate with clients.

Part 2

How clinic uses ltyhealth to manage clinical information and communicate with clients.

Part 3

How client communicates with clinic or doctor.

Part 4

How clinics and clients communicate each other.

Part 5

How to manage prescription, invoicing, service history and reminders.

Part 6

Appointment and telehealth meeting.